Vestas has secured a conditional order agreement to supply 64xV235-15.0 MW wind turbines for EnBW’s 900 MW He Dreiht offshore wind project in 2025. Vestas will also undertake to deliver a multi-year solution to service the wind project once it is operational.

With a swept area of 43 742 m2 and a capacity factor calculated at over 60 % from the 115.5m blades, the V236-15.0 MW turbine, currently a prototype, is expected to deliver industry-leading performance for EnBW at He Dreiht. Depending on site-specific conditions a single V236-15.0 MW turbine can produce 80 GWh per year.

Michael Class, head of Generation Portfolio Development at EnBW, commented: "Only with state-of-the-art and cost-efficient technology can we realise offshore projects like He Dreiht without subsidies. Offshore [wind energy] is not only technically demanding, but also requires solid forward-looking forecasts, knowledge of the market and the willingness take entrepreneurial risks before a final investment decision has been made. As one of the pioneers in German offshore history, we would like to use He Dreiht to further contribute to making offshore wind energy available for the German market".

Vestas has also entered a conditional agreement with Cadeler for the transportation and installation of the turbines for this project. Installation is scheduled to begin in the second quarter of 2025, with full park commissioning anticipated for the fourth quarter of the same year. The project has a grid connection capacity of 900 MW and an excess capacity of 60 MW in order to use the connection capacity as efficiently as possible even when production is lower.

The V236-15.0 MW prototype development work is progressing across Vestas’ R&D and production sites, with the first installation planned for later this year. Serial production is expected to begin in 2024. Vestas is stressing that the current agreement is conditional – the next step commercially speaking will be for the agreement with EnBW to materialise as a firm and unconditional order for Vestas.