UK network operator Western Power Distribution (WPD) has launched a consultation in response to an “unprecedented” interest in building energy storage assets on its network.

WPD is the distribution network operator (DNO) serving South Wales, south-west England and the midlands, and says that it is dealing with a significant increase in grid connection applications from energy storage assets.

It is also seeing increasing volumes of distributed generation on the network, as well as firms interested in implementing demand side response programmes and other flexibility mechanisms, it said.

WPD’s consultation will help it to understand the potential scale of growth of energy storage within its network area as well as the type of assets and projects that are likely to be deployed. It currently has a total of 2354 MVA of connected, accepted and offered storage capacity in its network.

According to WPD, the energy storage market has come up against a number of barriers to progress, including technology constraints, high upfront costs and uncertain revenue streams. Interest in the technology remains high, however, because of falling capital costs, the emergence of new business models, and the need for greater flexibility in the network.